Time |
Speaker |
Title |
| Michael Fisher, University of Liverpool
| Welcome to TAROS 2015 exhibition- opportunities
10:15- 10:35am
| Charles Patchett, Virtual Engineering Centre
| Autonomy: UK potential
| Mark Illman, Tharsus Group
| Commercialising New Technologies: Moving from a prototype that works to a product that succeeds
| Matthew Edwards, European Space Agency
11:15- 11:35am
| Matthew Rollins, Comau
| Robotics- industrial application
| Networking break
| Mark Briggs, Denca Controls Ltd
1:40pm- 2:00pm
| Sara Waring, University of Liverpool, Psychology
| Emergency response: what are the roles and limitations for technology?
2:00pm- 2:20pm
| Jonny Grey, ABB Robotics Ltd
| YuMi – Human Robot Collaboration
2:20pm- 2:40pm
| Adam Walton, Expert
2:40pm – 3pm
| Rich Walker, Shadow Robot Company
3pm - 3:20pm
| Sheffield Robotics
3:20pm - 3:30pm
| Close of event