TAROS 2015
TAROS is a platform for robotics researchers with a wide range of interests from the UK, Europe and worldwide. TAROS welcomes paper submissions on a wide range of topics related to the principles and practice of robotics.
TAROS 2015 was hosted by the Department of Computer Science at the University of Liverpool, and included an academic conference, industry exhibitions/talks, robot demonstrations and other satellite events.
TAROS 2016 will be held in Sheffield, 28th-30th June, 2016.
TAROS Prize Winners
Best Student Paper Prize
In memory of the late Prof. Ulrich Nehmzow (1961-2010), a founder and leading light of the TAROS conference series. Awarded to- Andrew Wells and Eroin Plaku
Catholic University of America - for the paper
Adaptive Sampling-Based Motion Planning for Mobile Robots with Differential Constraints
IET Robotics and Mechatronics TPN Prize

- Ke Ma, Juanjuan Zhu, Tony Dodd, Richard Collins and Sean Anderson
University of Sheffield - for the paper
Robot Mapping and Localisation for Feature Sparse Water Pipes using Voids as Landmarks
Springer Best Paper Prize

- Alexandros Giagkos, Elio Tuci and Myra Scott Wilson
Aberystwyth University - for the paper
Advancing evolutionary coordination for fixed-wing communications UAVs